May the force be with you
Resources to help journal editors advance their fields
Virtual Workshop Overview, Agenda, and Recordings
Friday, May 20, 2022 | 11:00am to 5:00pm EST
Organizers: DataPASS Alliance
In this workshop, we talked with highly respected social science journal editors and scholarly knowledge builders and reflected on how journal editors can advance their fields. Conversations were centered around open science and the future of scholarly publishing. Our free, online, interactive workshop included two plenary talks and two opportunities to participate in smaller group discussions (out of six options, see below).
This was the first JEDI workshop, and follows the DataPASS series on “Developing and Implementing Data Policies: Conversations Between Journals and Data Repositories.” Find information about these previous events by clicking ‘Events’ in the navigation bar.
You can find the program for the workshop here, and watch the recordings here.