JEDI Mailing List

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Who can participate in JEDI?

Although everyone can access JEDI’s resource page, only members may post to the JEDI mailing list and read its archives. We welcome membership by:

  • Incoming, current, and former journal editors (including managing and associate editors) and other editorial staff
  • Representatives from data services and research infrastructure organizations, open science and metascience communities, and others whom the JEDI steering committee believes have experience and expertise that will be helpful in answering questions and addressing issues about transparency and open science in editing that are raised on the mailing list

If you believe you fit one or more of those categories, and accept the terms below, please fill out this form to join JEDI!s

Mailing List Guidelines

To help provide the best possible experience for all mailing list members, we ask that everyone be aware of and follow the rules, guidelines, and suggestions outlined below. By joining the JEDI mailing list, you agree that you have read and will follow these rules and guidelines. If you do not accept these rules and guidelines, please do not join the JEDI mailing list. Please note that in order to encourage fruitful dialogue, JEDI reserves the right to suspend or terminate membership of individuals who violate these terms.

What is the JEDI mailing list for, and how does it work?

The goal of the JEDI mailing list is to allow participants to solicit the advice of their peers, benefit from their experience, and participate in an ongoing conversation.

The JEDI mailing list runs on Google Groups, and you will need to sign up with a Google account to have access to the list archives. Messages sent to the mailing list are moderated; if approved, your post may take up to 24 business hours to be sent through to the list. (See below for more information on post moderation.)


There is an expectation that conversations on the JEDI mailing list are only for the group’s members, as the Google Group and its posts are only viewable to JEDI members. However, it is possible that content posted on the listserv could be shared outside of the group. Therefore, only post information that you would not mind being in the public domain. Do not include contact or other details that you regard as personal and private.

Items posted are permanently archived, can be searched by mailing list members, and might be shared and republished. They are not deleted, they do not sunset and go offline at any particular time, and they cannot be edited again after publication. Submit items in the expectation that they will never be removed.

Rules: What is (and isn’t) allowed on JEDI

  • Do not post unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, or hateful content; sexually explicit images; or content that is racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable, or which infringes on the rights of any third party. Any such posts will result in permanent removal from the mailing list and the JEDI community.
  • Do not distribute any spam, solicitation, jokes, chain letters, petitions for signatures or letters relating to pyramid schemes, missing persons or once-in-a-lifetime deals.
  • Do not post identifying information about authors or manuscripts. In all discussion, please avoid identifying particular authors or manuscripts. Because of the nature of the subject matter, questions raised on the list may have been sparked by a particular submission. Please only include the information that is needed to ask your question clearly. Similarly, in answering questions editors may want to reference their experience with a previous submission. Again, please only include the information that is needed to allow you to make your point.
  • Be civil. Open dialogue and vigorous discussion is encouraged in JEDI, but please express any disagreements you may have without demeaning or insulting others.
  • Disclose relevant conflicts of interest. While advertising or commercial solicitation is not permitted, members may recommend relevant commercially available products in response to particular questions. In these cases, they must note if they have a financial or other interest in the product they are recommending.
  • Research studies are (sometimes) allowed. In some circumstances, the JEDI discussion group may be used to advertise or promote research studies. For example, purely academic research and research studies intended to develop open-source, free-to-use tools and resources are generally allowed. By contrast, soliciting on behalf of activities or products in pursuit of monetary gain or to develop commercial tools is generally not permitted. Solicitations may qualify for an exception to this prohibition if the project substantially benefits editors and editorial practices. The Community Manager, consulting with the Steering Committee as needed, will determine whether particular cases qualify for the exception. More detailed information about this policy is available here.
  • Do not send administrative messages, such as “remove me from the list”, through the mailing list. To unsubscribe from the list, follow the directions at the bottom of the mailing list email message, or email with your request.

Etiquette & Suggestions for Good and Productive Interactions on JEDI

  • Please watch this 2-minute quick-start video on how to interact with the JEDI mailing list.
  • The lingua franca of JEDI is English. Posting in other languages is very welcome, but posts sent in English are more likely to elicit responses.
  • Include a signature tag on all messages with your name, affiliation, and where applicable, the name of the journal you edit to help add context to your post or reply. Please be aware that, depending on how you make your post, your usual email signature may not be automatically included.
  • When replying to a previous post, do not edit the subject line as this may break the threading.
  • When starting a new thread, state the topic of your comment or question concisely and clearly in the subject line. This allows members to respond more appropriately to your posting and makes it easier for members to search the archives by subject.
  • Send messages such as “thanks for the information” or “me, too” to individuals, not to the entire list. You can do this by using your email application’s forwarding option and typing in or cutting and pasting in the email address of the individual(s) to whom you want to respond.

Moderation and How it Works

  • A moderator will review any new posts to check whether they follow the mailing list rules outlined above. From time to time, if the moderator spots any issues, they may reach out to participants to let them know which changes would need to be made to their post so that it can be approved. The participant can then decide whether or not to submit a new post with those changes. In other cases, where the post is so problematic that no changes would make it suitable to approve, the moderator will not reach out to the participant. Where the moderator is unsure on how to proceed with moderating a post, the community manager may reach out to members of the JEDI steering committee and they will decide on a course of action together. If you see a post that you believe should not have been approved, please reach out to the community manager.
  • In cases where there is repeated (or a single extreme) breaking of the mailing list rules, JEDI has the authority to remove members from the Google Group. In this case, the JEDI steering committee will vote on whether a member should be removed, and proceed according to a majority ruling.
  • All actions will be taken on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of our moderator. If you have concerns about how the moderator has handled a situation, contact us directly.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this page or how the JEDI mailing list works, please reach out to the community manager (Julia Bottesini, or the JEDI Team directly (


This list is provided as a service by members of the Data-PASS Alliance, in collaboration with Syracuse University. Data-PASS, its member organizations, and Syracuse University accept no responsibility for the opinions and information posted on this site by others.

The Data-PASS Alliance, its member organizations, and Syracuse University disclaim all warranties with regard to information posted on this site, whether posted by them or any third party; this disclaimer includes all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall the Data-PASS Alliance, its member organizations, or Syracuse University be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information posted on this site.

Do not post any defamatory, abusive, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials. Do not post any information or other material protected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner. By posting material, the posting party warrants and represents that they own the copyright with respect to such material or have received permission from the copyright owner. In addition, the posting party grants the Data-PASS Alliance, its member organizations, Syracuse University, and users of this list the nonexclusive right and license to display, copy, publish, distribute, transmit, print, and use such information or other material.